WOMLEAD - Research Fellowship from the European Commission´s Horizon 2020 Program
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant No 101030652 seeks to examine whether leadership assessments can help decrease the gender gap in leadership. In addition to executing this research, Dr. Goldberg's grant emphasizes the importance of disseminating research to academic and practitioner communities and building her network of European scholars.
17th EDI Conference Chair
177 Participants
120 Paper Presentations
2 Keynote Speakers
Gala Dinner with Flamenco Show
17th EDI Conference Chair
177 Participants
120 Paper Presentations
2 Keynote Speakers
Gala Dinner with Flamenco Show
Peer-Reviewed Conferences
Can the Trickle-Down Effects of Servant Leadership Narrow the Gender Gap?. Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion Conf. Seville, Spain.
Gender and Servant Leadership. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium. Thessaloniki, Greece.
Show me, don’t tell me: Effects of recruitment aimed at autistic job-seekers. Equality, Div, & Inclusion Conf. London, UK.
Gender Differences in the Effect of Servant Leadership on Customer Service. Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa. Alicante, Spain
When LMX agreement does (and doesn’t) affect fit and career future: Moderating effects of socialization. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Leadership Symposium. Rhodes, Greece.
Meta-stereotypes of neurodiversity and job pursuit intentions. 12th International HRM Conference. Cádiz, Spain.
Practical tips for submitting a successful DEI proposal. VII Annual DEI Workshop. Copenhagen, Denmark
Meta-stereotypes of neurodiversity and job pursuit intentions. VII Annual DEI Workshop. Copenhagen, Denmark
Fitting in: Antecedents and outcomes of increasing women’s representation in leadership. Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA.
Can servant leadership and training narrow the gender gap in leadership? Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA.
Invited Talks and Conference Attendace
Departamento de Psicología, Universdiad de Sevilla. Seville, Spain. May, 2024.
Hochschule Ruhr West. Dusseldorf, Germany. September, 2023.
Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Seville, Spain. July, 2023.
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. May, 2023.
Babes-Boyles University, Cluj-Napoc, Romania. March 2023.
NOVA Business School, Lisbon, Portugal. March 2023.
Will to Lead Conference. University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. April, 2022.
Facultdad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. March, 2022.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
When words are not enough: The effects of recruitment practices aimed at attracting autistic job seekers. Human Resource Management.
Five things organizations still get wrong about sexual harassment. MIT Sloan Management Review.
Organizational abortion support benefits in the post-Roe World: Employee and employer perspectives. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.